Problems of a vegan
I’m vegan for a while. I’m not a health vegan, because it’s perfectly possible to eat totally unhealthy as a vegan. I’m the living proof. I’m not really doin...
About Solaris, IT and cycling.
I’m vegan for a while. I’m not a health vegan, because it’s perfectly possible to eat totally unhealthy as a vegan. I’m the living proof. I’m not really doin...
I’m currently trying to buy a security camera, because i have the suspicion that people are using my property as a shortcut. I had just one thought: There ar...
I’m back from Koblenz. My brother asked me to help to fetch something from this town and as was on a weekend and i’m on vacation the obvious answer was to a...
My house has four Ubiquti Unifi AP-AC-LR access points. Out of whatever reason, the construction of the house seems to attenuate WIFI signals significantly f...
Today i was quite occupied by a search mission: As absence of a proof is not the proof of absence, I was searching for things and I had no proof to myself th...
I’m currently working on a longer blog entry about measuring systems performance, but this will take some additional days. Meanwhile i would like to point yo...
I have seen and experienced a lot of things when driving on the Autobahn through Germany. I have seen quite a few crashes, smaller and larger ones. To this d...