
About Solaris, IT and cycling.

You have been warned: Upgrading rpool

In the past customers painted themself into a corner, when they did a rather large jump with their OS versions, upgraded their app as well, upgraded the zpoo...

Solaris scales

This is a nifty small feature . Tools like ps,df,du, ls,ps,size,prstat and swap have now the option --scale. This makes the output of those tools much more ...

Free the spare pönökels of the world - now!

I’m getting a new bike soon. Of course you want to use a number of old components as well. A bike is pretty expensive right now as everyone prepares to evad...

Limits revisited

There were more limits changed in regard of open files has been changed with as well. The change took place in SRU27. rlim_fd_cur has been increased from ...

Small changes : New open files default.

In a relatively recent Solaris 11.4 SRU a limit was increased in it’s default setting. In 11.4 (no SRU) the limit of of open file for a user was 256. root@s...

Socially distanced voices of reason

Went through two milestones this weekend. Did my 4000th kilometer this yeat on my bike today. Was a week with three 100km-rides, this accelerated things a li...

Solaris 11.4 and user_reserve_hint_pct

A long time ago, i wrote about the /etc/system-parameter user_reserve_hint_pct. It limits the size of the ZFS ARC cache by proxy by essentially limiting the ...